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Rise and Shine from Hibernation during "Spring Break-OUT!" with Friends of Rogers

Monday, April 25, 20169:00 amFriday, April 29, 20164:00 pm
Friends of Rogers, 2721 State Route 8, Sherburne, NY

Spring has finally arrived! Birds are returning from their long journey south, trees are budding with signs of new life, and mud puddles are expanding as rain showers take the place of wintry snowfalls. Join Friends of Rogers and celebrate the changes that come at this exciting time of year during “Spring Break-OUT!”
“The beginning of spring is really something to look forward to,” said Environmental Educator Sarah Freedman. “Along with longer days and nicer weather, you’ll start to notice different types of wildlife awakening from hibernation. Combine that with the scenery from various plants in bloom, and it makes for an exciting time of year.” During “Spring Break-OUT!” campers between the ages of 7-10 will engage in activities that take advantage of the improved weather, including games and hikes along the many trails at Rogers Center. Crafts and the ever-popular “snack-tivities” also will be part of each day’s agenda.
“The enjoyment and knowledge a child will absorb and bring back home with them after having spent a day or week with Friends of Rogers during camp – be it during winter, spring, summer or fall – is like no other,” said Executive Director Simon Solomon.
Pre-registration must be made by April 22; the rate is $30 per day for members and $35 for not-yet-members, with discounts offered for full week registrations. Also available are activities before (8-9 am) and after (4-5:30 pm) for an additional $7.50 per session, per child. Call (607) 674-4733, email, or download a registration form at
Rogers Center in Sherburne is operated by Friends of Rogers Environmental Education Center, Inc., a nonprofit organization that offers educational programs for people of all ages. Seasonal hours are from 10 am to 4:30 pm Wednesday through Saturday, and from 11 am to 3 pm on Sunday.
The rate is $30 per day for members and $35 for not-yet-members, with discounts offered for full week registrations. Also available are activities before (8-9 am) and after (4-5:30 pm) for an additional $7.50 per session, per child.